Self-help tips for improving your fertility at home



Infertility is not your fault, and yes,  you can improve your fertility at home, get pregnant and give birth to healthy babies, no matter how long you have been waiting, your age, or your medical diagnosis. 

You first need to become your advocate and be willing to do what’s required to help you succeed sooner. Don’t relax and do nothing about your diagnosis; whatever it is, there is a lot you can control to influence your outcome positively. 

Infertility is a challenging situation. Couples who struggle to get pregnant report feelings of isolation, loneliness, shame, anxiety, depression and defeat. 1 in 8 couples struggle with infertility, which means (12% of women worldwide). Even though infertility is prevalent, many women still find it challenging to discuss with friends or family the difficulties they are facing. As a result, most suffer in silence, not knowing what to do or who to turn to for advice. 

The good news is some simple lifestyle adjustments will improve your health and fertility and get you pregnant faster. Remember, it takes a healthy sperm and egg to make a baby. So the two of you must be invested in making the required changes outlined here to get the best result.

Tip one: Quit taking the pill 

The first thing to help you get pregnant is to stop using the birth control pills you take, whether taking them to help regulate your cycle or for contraceptive use. The pill will stop you from getting pregnant but stopping it will help improve your fertility so you can get pregnant fast. 

Step two: Know your ideal body weight and lose any excess. 

A healthy body mass index (BMI) is vital for overall health; it can help you conceive fast. Being underweight or overweight can increase your chances of encountering fertility issues. While many underweight or overweight women have no problem conceiving, ovulation issues are more common in these two groups. This also applies to the other half; some overweight men will have problems making sperm and may experience erectile dysfunction and sperm quality issues. Regular exercises and a healthy diet and lifestyle will help you lose any excess weight. 

Step three: Both partners to be in good health 

Both you and your partner are required to be in good health. If there are any underlying chronic infections, make sure they are treated and cleared from your system and ensure regular exercise, a good diet for both of you and proper stress management if you free run down or depleted. 

Step four: Make sure you have a regular menstrual cycle 

This is important because an irregular or absent menstrual cycle can make getting pregnant challenging. A regular cycle will help you know when exactly you are likely to be ovulating so that you can correctly time intercourse around that time. Women are only fertile for about one week in a month compared to men, who are fertile every day as long as they make healthy sperm. If you have an irregular or non-existent cycle, then make sure to find out what could be causing it and then use diet, herbs, supplements and lifestyle changes to tackle this at home. Get my conceive tea bundle to help you. 

Step five: Make sure you prioritising sleep. 

Sleep is one of the most important things you can do for yourself when preparing to get pregnant. Sleep helps to regulate your digestive function, relieve stress and anxiety, Balance your hormones, Help you lose weight, and improve your egg quality and ovarian and uterine health, which ultimately helps you become pregnant sooner than you expect.

Not every woman will require long hours of sleep to function optimally. Ideally, I recommend at least 7 to 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night when preparing to get pregnant. Some women will need less, and some will require more. One way to know if you are getting enough restful sleep is when you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to go, even with just a 6-hour sleep. But if you wake up feeling like you haven’t slept or are very tired, you need more sleep. 7-8 hours may be a good starting point for you. The time you go to bed also matters. Aim to be in bed between 10 and 11 pm at the latest. If you struggle to fall or stay asleep, You may have underlying imbalances in the liver, lungs or gut that need addressing. Not getting enough sleep can be detrimental to your hormone health and fertility. It can raise your prolactin levels, Negatively impact your thyroid function, and make getting pregnant more challenging. 

Step six: Eat a well-balanced fertility diet. 

Fertility begins with good nutrition. Food is medicine and can undoubtedly supply you with the proper nutrients to be healthy, increase fertility, get pregnant fast and give birth to healthy babies. One way you can do this is to start a 4-month preconception program where you follow a specific eating method to supply you with your daily macros. Then, check out my 4-month ultimate fertility method program, designed to Improve your fertility at home and get pregnant fast.

Step seven: Take fertility-boosting herbs 

Herbs are here for our service. The good news is that more and more research is coming to light about herbs’ vital role in helping couples get pregnant fast, even after repeated rounds of failed fertility treatments. They work with the body and not against it to address imbalances on a cellular level. Medicinal herbs are very safe and effective to take. They cause little to no side effects. There is no better time to start taking herbs than now. Remember, it takes two to make a healthy baby—a healthy egg and sperm. Herbs work well for men and women. They can address sperm problems, improve blood flow to the reproductive organs, increase libido, boost egg quality and count, improve ovulation, regulate the menstrual cycle and fertility and help you get pregnant fast. If you are interested in using botanical medicine to improve fertility and help you get pregnant, then find a good herbalist specialising in reproductive health like myself. Book a herbal fertility consultation here 

Step eight: Start taking a prenatal supplement with folate. 

Research shows that women who take regular supplements are twice as likely to get pregnant faster than those who don’t. Men are included in this supplement as well. When preparing your body to get pregnant, it’s good to start taking a good quality prenatal multivitamin at least six months before you get pregnant; a good quality prenatal should contain the required amount of folate you need daily. Here is a good brand for women I recommend for women; here’s one for your man. If you want to conceive and haven’t started a supplement program yet, make sure to do so. Folate can improve egg health and ovulation and prevent your baby from developing neural tube defects such as spina bifida. Taking supplements alongside a healthy fertility diet will help Improve your fertility at home because you get the proper nutrients your body needs. 

Step nine: Practice regular detoxification 

Detoxification removes toxins in your body that can cause hormonal problems, infertility, recurrent miscarriages,  weight problems, fatigue, headaches, period problems, insomnia, anger and irritability, bad breath, bloating, constipation and many more. Toxins are everywhere. It’s impossible to live free of them in this modern world, and they are one of the reasons why infertility is on the rise, especially in developed countries. The air contains toxic chemicals, and the water you drink may contain chemicals such as fluoride, lead, mercury, nitrates and many more. Even household products such as the ones you use to wash your dishes, clean your toilet, kitchen and wash your clothes.  They are known as endocrine disruptors (EDCs). Seeing the number of toxins we are exposed to daily, the best tool you have is regular detoxification. I created a 30-day hormone reset cleanse program.  This program will help you improve your fertility at home, lose weight, regulate your cycle, boost libido, shrink fibroids, improve digestion, enjoy less painful menstruation, better sleep, balanced hormone, boost ovulation and fertility and get pregnant fast. The results are excellent!

Step ten: Stir up belief in your body’s abilities 

No one knows your body better than you, and nobody can help you believe in yourself except you. Doubting your ability to conceive and give birth to healthy babies may result in delayed ovulation, several failed rounds of fertility treatment, elevated cortisol and prolactin levels, and repeated miscarriages. Self-belief is one of the best things you can do for yourself during preconception.  It will help clear out thoughts of fear, failure, doubt and loss and make you more fertile, and help you get pregnant, enjoy a healthy, stress-free pregnancy and give birth with ease to a healthy, beautiful baby. The key is in your hands; use it wisely; it will remove the blockages in your mind-body and Improve your fertility at home.