Pathways to pregnancy Coaching
A signature one-to-one expert fertility coaching with Vivien to help prepare your body for a healthy pregnancy.
No matter how long you have been waiting, even if you were told you have a less than 1% chance.
Hello my fertility warrior,
How would it feel to know exactly what you can do RIGHT NOW to get pregnant naturally without Spending thousands of dollars on failed fertility treatments Even if you have been told you have a 0% chance.
Does this sound familiar?
You have been told that your egg reserve is diminishing
You are diagnosed with unexplained infertility and searching for answers
The idea of biological clock ticking is causing you so much anxiety with each month that passes and you are still not pregnant
You have endured countless early pregnancy loses and are looking for answers
You have spent thousands of dollars on several rounds of failed fertility treatments and still not pregnant
You have been told your only chance to conceive is through IVF because of blocked fallopian tubes
You have PCOS and want to balance your hormones and conceive naturally
You want to give up because you have tried everything else without success
You want to lose weight to help you get pregnant but are struggling
Listen! if you want to CHANGE your situation, you need to start doing things differently.
I BELIEVE You have the power within you to manifest getting pregnant and give birth to a healthy beautiful baby.
The doctors tell WOMEN that once reach age 35 their fertility starts to decline or even diminish in some cases right?
This is why in my PROGRAM we take a HOLISTIC APPROACH. I help you connect more deeply to your ferminity, understand and connect to your womb and your cyclical nature as a woman so that you are empowered and handed the tools to set you up for successful conception, pregnancy and childbirth.
Knowing exactly what foods to eat to help you get pregnant
Knowing exactly when in your cycle to have sex to get pregnant
Knowing How to pinpoint your most fertile day to conceive
How it will feel to have a regular cycle and ovulation
How it will feel to get pregnant fast Naturally without going through IVF or IUI
Never go through another miscarriage or failed fertility treatment
Holding your beautiful baby in your arms after many years of infertility

Goodnews! You can have all of this. All you need to do is TAKE ACTION!
Hey im Vivien. My mission is to help you get pregnant .Even if you were told you have a 0% chance of it happening naturally or assisted .
I am a Naturopath, Herbalist and fertility expert. I BELIEVE your body can heal itself given the right conditions. I help you gain clarity and empowered to take charge of your fertility and get pregnant through my holistic PREGNANCY PATHWAY 1:1 COACHING PROGRAM.
I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2008. my symptoms were fluctuating hormones , severe mood swings ,difficulty gaining weight no matter how much i ate. Lack of menstruation, anovulation, infertility, muscle soreness, breast pain, fatigue and terrible anxiety. For years I suffered severely with each symptom. It was overwhelming at the time.
I was prescribed the pills to help balance my hormones and regulate my menstrual cycle but what i failed to realise then was that the pill will only regulate my period for as long as i was taking it for. Once i came off it, my whole symptoms returned with a full force.
My journey to health began when i decided enough is enough i took action, started to do things differently, it was a whole lifestyle change that did the magic in my case.
I cleansed my life.
It wasn’t overnight, it took me a good year and half of living and eating right doing lots of cleanses. It paid off even though it took me over a year. The change began when I started to understand that food did more than impact my hormones. it was also a trigger for many of my symptoms, lack of menstruation,anovulation,difficulty gaining weight despite eating enough, hirsutism, Acne. By creating and following a program which i designed for myself based on what I learned from many experts and my own personal experience i was able to transform my life, health and fertility. If i could do it, you can do it too.
A 16 Week 1:1 fertility coaching program where I will guide you through my 6 part framework where we will focus on:
Detoxification so that we so that we can ensure your body is clearing out any toxins, adhesions, stagnation, etc..that will optimize your liver and uterine health setting the foundation for success as you move through your pregnancy journey. This will improve energy, mental clarity, better sleep, and help you obtain the ideal weight to set your body up for pregnancy success.
2. Hormone Investigation where we analyze your female hormones through hormone blood testing and uterine scans to identify any imbalances that could be contributing to your infertility
3. Nutrition that will help you with hormone balance and fertility. This includes meal plans which will cover breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks, shopping lists, and recipes that will nourish your body and support it’s fertility function
4. Fertility awareness method where we will help you to pinpoint your most fertile days and when exactly to have sex that will get you pregnant!
5. Supplementation + Herbal medicine that will help you to support you as a whole person, stabilise your moods and emotions, regulate your menstrual cycle, improve egg health, boost ovulation, increase energy levels, libido and help you become more fertile.
6. Lifestyle includes what you can do to ensure your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well being so that you are fully trusting your body’s ability to get pregnant and carry a baby to full term.

Women who want clarity to help them resolve their hormonal problems, period problems, lack of ovulation, Early miscarriage, late miscarriage, unexplained infertility, weight problems.

Women who are tired of random people asking them all the time if they have kids or when they are going to start having kids.

Women who are ready to get pregnant naturally without spending thousands of dollars on expensive fertility treatment.
❌ You know and have tried it all.
❌ You are looking for a quick fix
❌ You are not willing to put the work in
❌ You have doubts about the program
❌ You are not willing to try a different approach
❌ You are not ready to invest in your health and fertility
1. 60 Minutes Nutrition Assessment with a fertility expert to access your nutrient intake. and advise you on specific nutrients to add in to your diet specific to your need. A Monthly Fertility Nutrition plan which includes Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and snacks is available to you over the course of 4 months.
2 . Individualised Nutrition And Herbal Supplement Recommendation Based on your individual needs, presenting symptoms and lab results
3. 8 virtual 1:1 Fertility Coaching sessions, happening every 2 weeks.
4. Access To Private Group Support Of Like Minded Women Where you can ask any additional questions that pop up in between coaching calls
5. Hormone Lab Panel to assess your fertility and key sex hormones including expert result analysis and interpretation
6. Individualised Exercise Plan To Help you stay fit and well balanced both in mind and body
7. Detailed Fertility Foundational Cleanse Program This is the first phase of the program where you get to do a cleanse. The cleanse is a very important aspect of the program.
8. Encouragement And 1:1 Support from Someone who gets it
9. Personalised Holistic Fertility Herbal Remedies tailored to your Specific needs will be delivered to you monthly for the duration of program (Europe & US based clients)

- empowered and more in control of your fertility.
- set up with a nutrition supplementation,herbal and lifestyle management plan that will help maintain your already achieved results and help you stay on track
- knowing exactly where you are at all times in your cycle and when to have sex that will increase the likelihood of pregnancy.
- less stressed and confident in your ability to conceive a healthy baby.

Emotional support, Empathy, throughout the programme or if you are going through or preparing for fertility treatment.
Email and text messaging support for the duration of program
Therapeutic Fertility smoothie recipes Formulated by a Fertility Nutrition Expert to help optimise your Hormones, Menstrual cycle, Egg health, Weight, Fertility and Overall Health